Drop Ship Service

bryght’s drop ship service enables you to continue selling retail products to your clients without the need to stock inventory or deliver the product. this service helps you keep in touch with your clients, and maintain your relationship with them.

how it works

  • Your client places a retail order with you, and you process their payment.
  • You then place the order through Bryght and pay the wholesale price. Remember to enter your client’s details in the shipping information when placing your order.
  • As long as the shipping address and name is your clients details, we will send it directly to them without any pricing information.
  • That’s it! We ship the order directly to your client’s doorstep and you keep the retail markup of the retail price!

benefits to you and your clients

  • You keep the retail markup of the retail price from every sale (MSRP is double what you purchased the product for at wholesale)
  • No minimum order required
  • No physical stocking, packing, shipping, or restocking required by you!
  • All of Bryght’s retail products are available for your clients to order

spread the word

here are some tips to promote this new service and maximize your revenue potential:

  • Send out an email to your clients to share the latest news
  • Share on your salon’s website and social media channels
  • Tell your friends, family, and everyone in your personal network
  • Call clients personally and offer skin consultations and product recommendations over the phone or via video-conferencing

if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your bryght babe — they’d love to hear from you! or email us at info@bryghtenup.com