Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2 years ago this week, I completed my very last session of a 20 week long journey with chemotherapy
When I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, I often wondered if I manifested cancer into my life; if I did- why did the universe, God or the higher-power choose to deliver it to me? I'm not sure I will truly understand why and I am done trying to figure that part out. But, one thing I do know is that I need to make my experience available to everyone and to help as many people as I can.
My friend, who is also a breast cancer warrior, said to me, "Darling, when this is over you will look back on this and it will feel like a bad dream." I did not believe her words at that time but sitting here 2 years later that is exactly what it feels like; a nightmare that is now behind me.
I am proud of what my body endured, I am proud of where I was able to keep my mindset and focus, I am grateful that I woke up this morning with air in my lungs and another chance at life. I am blessed that cancer came into my life uninvited and showed me what its like to really live, love and experience life to the fullest.
This is your reminder to check your boobs, book your mammogram and tell your friends and family that you love and appreciate them.
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