Virtual skin lightening training
The importance of staying relevant in the beauty industry is crucial as it's always changing and customers are more educated than ever before. This last year has been a blessing and a curse; shutdowns created a panic for all of us in the beauty industry, however it also gave us time to reflect and master our craft by taking online courses, education, online certification and allowed us to prepare to make the customer experience even better than before. We often get stuck in the day to day grind and don't think of the things that can help us generate more revenue, create a better salon experience for our customers or adopt a better team building strategy.
We had amazing plans with bryght to travel across the country and meet all of you at the beauty shows, however we needed to pivot and create a plan that allowed us to bring the experience to you, in your homes through the now ever so normal platform called zoom and that's where our live on line education teaching you how to bleach an asshole in the comfort of your own home became a virtual phenomenon for us.
The advantages of online training are more important than ever. Salon closures and other disruptions to your daily life don't have to prevent you from growing and learning. Online learning makes it simple and convenient to keep building vital skills for the future of your business.
Even though we are excited to get back on the road and travel the world teaching you all things skin brightening there have been some great benefits to our virtual skin lightening trainings;
Flexibility: Because you don't have to schedule around specific class times or days, you can work on your course whenever you have free time.
Train at Your Own Pace: Our 1:1 virtual skin lightening training is a lot like having your own private tutor. There are no distractions from other classmates, and the pacing of lessons is based on your comfort level. Have you ever felt like the instructor was going too fast for you to take notes or fully comprehend the subject? That's never a problem with online learning. You can spend as much time as you need on the course material and go back to review at any time.
Save Time and Money: With no need for classrooms, accommodation and travel for our trainers or physical materials, online courses are typically more affordable than the in-person alternative. Waste is reduced, and the lower footprint helps drive down the cost of providing education. Since you don't have to travel to the classroom, you can also save on your daily commute, hotels, flights and food. That includes time, effort and money for gas and additional expenses that can add up quickly for a small salon business owner. Plus, less driving is beneficial to the environment and we love our earth!
Be sure to check out all our upcoming trainings. You can also book your 1:1 trainings and become a certified bryght babe in the comfort of your own home.